Update from Administrator – June 20, 2020

Update from Administrator – June 20, 2020

June 20, 2020

As always, our team and I hope this email finds you safe and healthy.


June 18 began National C N A Week. There are not enough words to describe what these individuals do for our residents by keeping them safe, healthy, and happy. There are many jobs that these individuals could choose from, but they have chosen this profession due to their compassion and loyalty to healthcare. So, during this week and beyond, remember to thank a C N A whenever you have the opportunity. Most of their work and caring go unnoticed but their pride is in their residents. To all C N A’s out there keep up the good work and we thank you for your efforts.


The in-person visits, that began on June 9, are going so well.  As I mentioned, we have a private fenced in area for the outside visits.  To take advantage of these visits, with a loved one that has recovered from Covid19, please contact Christine O’Rourke, Recreation Director.  She can be reached by calling 508-860-5000, extension 5012 or by emailing her at recreation@worcesterrhcc.com. Please give her a minimum of 48 hours prior to a visit. Please arrive 10 minutes prior to visitation for proper screening by center (at the main front entrance).  All visitors must be wearing facemask or facemask will be given before screening.  No more than two visitors during each in-person visit.  Visitors must maintain 6 feet distance from residents and staff at all times (no physical contact).  Please do not exchange any items with a resident.   Other options for visits with your family member such as electronic tablets (video visits) and window visits can also be scheduled with Christine.  If you have any questions, please call or email Christine or me at any time.


Let’s review the guidelines for the outside visits.

  • All visits must be scheduled a minimum of 48 hours in advance and will take place in the designated area.
  • The visitor must have their temperature taken and answer simple questions prior to the resident coming out for the visit.
  • The resident and their visitor(s) must always wear a facial mask.
  • Social distancing must be maintained throughout the entire visit. This means that the resident and their visitor(s) must always be at least six (6) feet apart.
  • Person to person contact between the resident and visitor(s) is prohibited.
  • No items may be transferred between visitor(s), residents and staff.
  • The visits will be for a maximum of twenty (20) minutes.
  • The maximum number of visitors allowed at one time is two (2).
  • Visits will only be scheduled before sundown.
  • A facility staff member will be required to remain with the resident and visitor(s) at all times


Enjoy your time with your loved one and please comply with these safety guidelines as listed above.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call or email me at any time.

We currently have 3 COVID19 positive residents in house and 61residents that have recovered from COVID19.  Today Massachusetts DPH visited our center and again found us to be in compliance for PPE, staffing and infection control and prevention issues.  Great work by all the staff.  Check our Facebook page to see updated information about our center.

The next “Town Hall” meeting is scheduled for Thursday June 25 at 3:30.   We will discuss any new information and updates we receive. Please use our special email address Info@WorcesterRHCC.com to ask questions.  Also, we encourage any family member to contact Miriam Lena, nursing supervisor, for questions about a family member on the 2nd or 3rd floors and for residents on the 4th and 5th floors ask for Caroline Tuttle, ADON.

Thank you and please stay safe and healthy!

June 20, 2020 A Healthier Approach To Caring